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William L Shirers' Vienna

Shirer came to Vienna for the first time in February 1929 after a long stint in Paris and then summers in London and the French Riviera. He was excited to go to Vienna after finding the cities of his recent postings not to his liking. Shirer loved Vienna's culture, its architecture, its cuisine and above all it's people - who he considered to be the most beautiful and cultivated he had encountered-outside of his beloved Paris.

He married a Viennese girl Tess Stiberitz in 1931 and was poised to enjoy a long period of domestic stability living in the city they both loved. However shortly after their wedding Shirer's editors in Chicago demanded he leave for India to cover Ghandi.

The second period in which Shirer lived in the city began 1937 shorty after he made the transition from print journalism to radio with CBS. By coincidence Vienna was about to be thrust into the centre of European politics as Shirer arrived. Vienna's cafes were the focal point for journalists and foreign correspondents in the city, a place where gossip and stories could be discussed and debated.

It was in Vienna that Shirer had one of his greatest professional achievements - reporting of the Anschluss in March 1938. He was in the right place at the right time - Shirer and Ed Murrow's Anschluss coverage and news round-up revolutionised 'the news' .

(left) Cafe Schwarzenberg, Vienna. Shirer met colleagues here on March 12 to discuss the latest developments in the Anschluss.

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